

Lyricist, songwriter & POET

looking for music publishers & songwriters

line gold
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about lori

Lori morris is a budding songwriter based in minneapolis, USA. Having grown up surrounded by the serene countryside of wisconsin, lori was inspired to start writing songs at a young age. Since then, lori has won numerous songwriting contests with her creations.

Speaking on what inspires her songwriting, lori shares:

“Artists that inspire me are those who write with the intention of moving us as human beings. I am personally inspired daily by the sheer existence of life itself, consciousness, watching nature unfold, and when humanity cares for and is compassionate to one another.”

Gold Brushstrokes Illustration
Golden Parallel Lines

songwriting catalogue

lori currently has two self written songs available to stream on Spotify; ‘Hold On To The Love (Wedding Song)’ and ‘serenity song’ which can be listened to here and here.

as we enter into 2024, lori is looking to write more songs for artists, co write new tracks and share her plethora of existing songs with artists for them to bring to life.